Understanding Defensiveness and the Journey to Deeper Connection Jul 22, 2024

There was a time when I believed that explaining my perspective was the key to resolving conflicts with my partner, Jeni. Whenever she shared her feelings, I would often respond with an explanation...

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The "D" Word Jun 07, 2024

In all seriousness, it’s a big deal when the idea of divorce starts to become more and more appealing. 

The thought of escaping your relationship– running away, finding...

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The 5 Stages of Love - Which Stage Are You In? Mar 28, 2024

There are 5 stages to love, most couples only make it to #3 and they either fizzle out or stay stuck there. 


Stage 1 - Falling In Love Stage -   The honeymoon phase as...

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4 Simple Strategies For Hard Conversations Without Conflict become the one better love communication improvement resolving problems Mar 04, 2024

If you find yourself struggling to talk about certain issues with your partner, then tune in for this one! Here, I'll share 4 simple strategies you can use to communicate more effectively, avoid...

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12 Creative Ways To Express And Enjoy Your Love better love holidays reconnection tips valentine's day Feb 13, 2024

Expressing love to one another is important every and any day of the year, but fancy dinners, flowers, and chocolate-covered strawberries can get old quickly. Novelty, in fact, is one of the...

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"I Love My Partner, But I'm Not IN Love With Them"- Here's What To Do! better love change finding the right support improvement mindset reconnection tips Oct 23, 2023

Most people believe that being in love with your partner is just something that happens– a product of the connection and healthy relationship dynamics you have, and a result of how your...

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The Trouble With Couples Therapy, Part 2: Partners aren’t ready, and therapists aren’t helping them get there change coaching vs. therapy finding the right support resolving problems Apr 11, 2023

Couples go to couples therapy with a lot of pain and a lot of hope that talking with a therapist about their problems is going to help them finally get past their struggles so that they can feel...

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The Trouble with Couples Therapy: Why it may not work, and how to set yourself up for success- Part 1 coaching vs. therapy finding the right support improvement tips Apr 03, 2023

Couples therapy is the go-to choice for most couples who are struggling in their relationship, but I'm not so sure it should be. There are some drawbacks with the couples therapy approach, and...

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To Fight, Or Not To Fight? That Is… Actually A Really Important Question change empowered accountability improvement resolving problems Mar 06, 2023

No one likes to fight with their partner, right? Well, except maybe for that one part of you that believes that fighting (also known as pursuing, standing up for, trying to talk to or fix, etc.) is...

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Be The Best Partner Possible: 5 Key Shifts For Leveling Up Your Love become the one better love improvement tips Feb 13, 2023

Valentine’s Day can be a great reminder to up your game and be an even better partner to your beloved, but in truth, every day is good day to bring more love into your relationship(s). Taking...

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Why I’m No Longer Doing Couples Therapy coaching vs. therapy empowered accountability Jan 27, 2023


Why I’m No Longer Doing Couples Therapy


I spent over a decade learning how to become a relationship therapist, but in 2020, I gave it up. I walked away from both my identity and...

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Taking Sides: What if it IS (Mostly) Their Fault? empowered accountability fault improvement resolving problems responsibility Jan 18, 2023

If you’ve been following our work at all, you know that we at PowerfuLove are all about owning our sh*t– taking personal responsibility and accountability for our experiences and for...

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