We are so glad that you found us!


We are Jeni and Calvin, relationship transformation mentors, speakers, educators, and creators of PowerfuLove.

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Our journey... Led us to you!

Our relationship has not always been easy.

In fact, for many years it was EPICALLY HARD– full of pain, struggle, conflict, communication breakdown, distance, disconnect, giving up and then trying again…

Not even Jeni’s PhD and private practice in couples therapy was enough to save our relationship.

We were drained and defeated, consumed by our struggles, and it was affecting every other area of our lives–kids, business, finances, health… you name it. Something had to change, or we weren't going to make it.


Thankfully, we figured it out and transformed our relationship from disconnected and dissatisfied into an easy, fulfilling, 99% conflict-free relationship of our dreams!

Looking back, we are grateful for everything we went through… because it forced us to learn what no book nor class nor career ever could…

Our journey taught us what it REALLY takes… not only to make relationships work long-term… 

But how to make them EXTRAORDINARY! Easy… fulfilling… energizing… fun! 


And it has been this experience…

…this realization of how MUCH our relationships have to offer… 

…how they can bring us into the fullest expressions of ourselves, the reaching of our highest potential, and realization of our greatest dreams of impact, abundance, purpose, and fulfillment… 


That has brought us to this work.

The Work We Do

Our work offers high-level expert support, critically conscious relationship education, love-based accountability, and powerful experiences that create unbelievable transformation in the folx who work with us.

Our Values & Beliefs

These are the principle beliefs and commitments that underlie and guide everything we do.

Love Over Fear

We believe that love is the way. When we can release ourselves from fear and choose to step into love, we access healing, connection, and personal empowerment. Learning how to consciously choose love over fear is a central tenant to our work.

Empowered Accountability

This is the foundational framework we teach and transform relationships through. It acknowledges that you have power and influence in your relationship, and supports you to identify how to be an effective agent of change for the better.


Power and privilege dynamics matter. We are committed to ongoing self-reflective, social justice, and anti-oppressive journeys, attention to intersectionality, oppression, and equity dynamics in ourselves, our relationships, and our work.

Happiness Starts Within

Happiness is an inside job, and while our partner(s) can add to our happiness, they cannot be responsible for it. Thus, we believe that prioritizing ways to honor, heal, and fulfill our own hearts and parts is a necessary part of transforming our relationship. 


Authenticity is essential for truly happy and fulfilling relationships. Each person must find the courage to connect with and show up in their truth– their fullest expression of self. We support our clients in doing just that. 

Relationships Are  Essential

Relationships are a cornerstone to well-being. We believe that most of the suffering in the world is caused by relationships that aren’t working, and that helping relationships to work better and easier can change the world.

Challenges Serve Us

We believe that relationships are catalysts for the most important growth, healing, and expansion we are being called to do in this life. Thus, we see all challenges as being here to support our highest good.

Relationship R(E)volution

The “typical” expectations for and approaches to relationships aren’t working for people. We need a new, more evolved, more CONSCIOUS approach to navigating problems, solutions, and love. We’re here to find it, practice it, and teach it. 

Infinite Possibilities

There are SO many possibilities for creating a joyfully fulfilling love and life. We believe that we are co-creating with Source; thus NOTHING is impossible. And while we may not know how, we trust that there IS a way, and that we’re ALWAYS being guided toward our greatest good.

Identities Matter. 

We identify as a queer, trans, polyamorous, interracial, neurodiverse, entrepreneurial, spiritual, blended-family, trail-blazing, boldly authentic, wildly courageous, and soul-mate connected couple.

On a Personal Note...

When not busy supporting our clients, working on our business, teaching, speaking, or parenting, (haha! Is there still time!? Yes!)... we can be found recharging with cuddles and our favorite shows, going on walks, connecting with nature, enjoying food we don't have to cook, and dreaming about our next big adventure.

An Acknowledgment Of This Land & It's Ancestral Stewards

We acknowledge that we are live, work, and benefit from the stolen ancestral lands of the Puyallup, Muckleshoot, Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Tribes whose ancestors once cared for and thrived upon this land and whose descendants still live unacknowledged and stripped of their rightful lands. We participate in "Real Rent Duwamish," which pays monthly rent to the Duwamish Tribe who were the First Peoples of the Seattle area, and we commit ourselves to ongoing education and advocacy in support of the First Peoples of our community and our country. We give thanks to the ancestral stewards of these lands that nourish us and promise to honor, treasure, and care for our Earth in as many ways as we can. 

We'd Love to Stay Connected!  Join Our Mailing List!

We would love to keep you up to date (via occasional and tastefully worded emails) about on new offerings, updates, and other great stuff.